Monday, December 31, 2007

polka dots and round fruits

My way of greeting the incoming new year has always been different. Instead of jumping up and down, up and down in the hopes of growing taller, I just chat away in Until the fireworks start fizzing in the heavens, one can find me in front of the computer, amused by my chatmates who'll be celebrating the coming of the new year one day later than we in the Philippines do.

Speaking of which, I got back in just three days ago. Finally, finally, I decided to give up on my old account to start a new one. There's going to be a lot of changes in my HEX life from now on because I have changed since I went to UP. Besides, this ex-Hufflepuff has just been sorted into Slytherin. I may have to start getting used to the people who trashed our common room last year and left pictures of dead pictures for us to see...

Still, my mother's right. Everything is just a stepping stone. Heartaches and pain will only make you stronger. They won't kill you unless you let them.

Happy New Year, minna-san!

Toodles! Poof...


Anonymous said...

Happy new year sandy. go slytherin!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi sandy! wow, you're still into hex? everyone here has abandoned hope already hehe. i haven't been eating or drinking in months. i think my character's dead already. haha! can you die in hex?
anyway, happy new year sandy! kong hua misses you :)

beaple leone michaelmas said...

Thank you, thank you! :D
Slytherin rocks! :D

Happy New Year! :D

Anonymous said...

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